
My Arts Journal is the brainchild of Richard Blue. His deep concern with the cuts to all forms of arts programs in schools throughout the country prompted the creation of My Arts Journal.

Dick knows from experience that success in life comes from an early grounding in the arts. Whether he is making a proposal to the president of a company, giving a speech to a national organization, or lecturing at a university, he knows his presentation skills got their start the first time he sang in front of a group of people at age six.

The arts are central to all future success:

  • The arts are an expression of education; artistic creation represents the skillful use of knowledge.
  • Similarly, a person’s career success comes from taking knowledge and applying it to a task.
  • Without the transferable skills gained through the arts a person is at a disadvantage going to the college of choice, getting a job and succeeding in a career.

Dick is the president of Life Empowerment, Inc. and is a respected consultant in human resources and performance management. He has worked in or consulted with private and public organizations for over 40 years. He created careeronlinecoach.com to help adults succeed in their career by using journaling techniques to track their development. By documenting their knowledge and transferable skills and then linking them to work performance and career accomplishments, he helps people succeed. He has over 20 years of online experience helping people track their career journal and those experiences directly translate to the My Arts Journal tool for students.

Classroom education builds knowledge. The Arts build skills. Success requires both.